The Bay Area Climate Adaptation Network Presents
The Drought Resource Guide
With the 2021 Drought firmly upon us, BayCAN is pleased to present the Drought Resource Guide 1.0.
BayCAN kicked-off the 2021 Heat-Drought-Fire Season with a May 5th special presentation from climate scientist Daniel Swain (UCLA). You can see the recording here (fast forward to the 2:11 mark).
In the Resource Guide, you will find two types of resources:
First, we present some of the best drought portals and reports -- your gateway to fabulous information on key issues, trends and solutions.
Second, we spotlight a number of drought projects and programs that BayCAN members are planning and implementing this year. This includes not only water-related agencies, but cities and counties.
Enjoy the Drought Resource Guide!
We will be adding and updating regularly through the Summer and Fall at
For questions, comments or any suggested additions to the guide, please contact Michael McCormick at, or Carolyn Yvellez at